Online Reference Tools
Destiny Library Manager™ combines circulation, cataloging, searching, reporting and management in one centrally installed library software system. Students and faculty access the system through any workstation with a supported web browser, through the district’s network and the Internet.
EBSCOhost delivers company profiles, market research reports, academic journal articles, trade journal news stories, reference books, biographies and more.
Electric Library for Minnesota
Find quality articles, images, videos and more. Search by topic, content type, grade level, database or publication., a site created by school librarians for elementary school students and their teachers, is a directory and search engine including only websites recommended by teachers, librarians, and library and educational consortia.
When a search is done on, it can only return Google "strict" search results and is not dependent on any computer, cookie or browser settings. The same trusted high-quality search results as Google are returned, but without adult content mixed in them.