Specialized Programs Overview
Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are a sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge and skills to provide students a pathway to postsecondary education and careers. CTE teaches transferable workplace skills in applied learning contexts to provide opportunities to explore high-demand career options, and gives students the technology and skills needed for success in adult life.
The vision of Career and College Academies is to create learning pathway opportunities for all students leading to a successful post-secondary educational experience and/or a career. Students will discover and explore their interests and become equipped with the knowledge, skills, dispositions and confidence necessary to successfully complete post-secondary training, resulting in a career path of their choice.
St. Cloud District 742 is recognized regionally as a leader in the Fine and Performing Arts. This recognition is due to a strong commitment by the district and community to support the study of music and art as an essential component in a well-rounded education. It is also a reflection of the outstanding art and music educators and talented students that make up our district. As a program, we are committed to providing high quality fine and performing arts education opportunities for all students as part of their core academic instruction.
St. Cloud Area Schools offers Dual Language Immersion programs in Spanish and Chinese, and beginning in the fall of 2023, a pilot program for kindergartners in Somali as well. These programs immerse children in a second language allowing them to become bilingual at an early age. Over 30 years of research indicates that language immersion is the most effective type of foreign language instruction. Dual Language Immersion is an excellent way for students to learn academic content while acquiring another language at the same time. Students receive instruction in a partner language (Chinese, Spanish, Somali) as well as English. The three core goals are academic achievement, bilingualism/biliteracy and sociocultural competence. Our language immersion programs follow the kindergarten curriculum.We offer unparalleled opportunities for multilingual learners, from our English Learner (EL) program, supporting Pre-K through 12 grade students who are acquiring English, to our world language classes, to our bilingual and multilingual seals for proficiency, and our dual language immersion programming.
Preschool is located at 10 sites, including our Preschool for Success programming in partnership with St. Cloud Rotary, as well as Early Childhood Family Education and Early Childhood Special Education.
District 742 Special Education provides a continuum of special education and related services to meet the needs of children and youth with disabilities, birth through 21 years of age. Most students receive services in their neighborhood school and, when possible, in their regular class setting. Special education services may be provided in regular class settings, regular early childhood programs, resource rooms, separate classes, separate day schools, residential settings, hospitals, or in the home for homebound students and for infants and toddlers.
Talent Development & Accelerated Services
St. Cloud Area School District 742 provides talent development programming in fulfillment of the district mission and core belief that everyone deserves equitable access to the highest quality of learning to maximize individual potential. Talent development programming is an equitable access, needs-oriented program for students who have demonstrated high achievement or the potential for high achievement.