Huskies in the High School
*What it is: Our program connects high-achieving high school students with key resources on the St. Cloud State University campus while allowing them to remain in their high school. They accelerate their learning and prepare for a future on a campus.
*Benefits of College in High School: Click here
*Am I eligible: Click here
*What course does Tech offer:Tech Course
Anatomy and Physiology
Spanish III
Spanish IVSCSU Course Name and Course Number
Human Biology - BIOL 103
Preparatory Chemistry - CHEM 160
Precalculus - MATH 115
Concepts Physics - SPAN 103
Elementary Spanish - SPAN 102
Intermediate Spanish - SPAN 201Number of College Credits
4*Tech HHS Intro letter: Click here
*How do I apply: Students will work with SCSU staff, Tech teachers and a school counselor to complete the process. For more information specific to the application process at SCSU, please visit SCSU application guide.
*How do I request my SCSU transcript to be sent to another college: Steps needed to send my transcripts and transcript request form